Here are the most obvious 5 signs your relationship is over that are often overlooked. Have you heard the phrase “too bad to stay, too good to leave”? Do you find yourself physically in a relationship but either you and/or your partner (worst yet both of you) have emotionally checked out? How do you know when it’s time to leave?
5 Signs Your Relationship is Over
1. Hanging out or doing things together is a chore and you find yourself wanting to make plans with your friends instead. You suddenly enforce girls’/guys nights on Saturdays but you hardly see each other during the week.
2. You’re growing apart and want different things.
3. You dread talking/texting/emailing your partner on the phone. You no longer get excited when they call and you find you’re screening their calls. Worse your partner is doing it to you.
4. You find yourself putting more effort on your appearance when you’re not with them. Maybe you’re subconsciously trying to attract a new partner in your life.
5. You just don’t like them as a person. They annoy you and even the thought of touching them isn’t appealing. However, you rather be in an unhappy relationship than be alone.
Pay attention to the last line in 5 signs your relationship is over especially because it’s a scary one. Would you rather be in an unhappy relationship than alone? I’ve known a few people who stayed in relationships a year longer just because they didn’t want to be alone. I don’t understand why some people are programmed to believe that we’re insignificant unless you’re coupled up. Have you ever considered that maybe the person you’re with now is preventing you from being with the person you’re supposed to be with?
Still wanting more advice? My go-to resources are the reading He’s Not That Into You or Better Single Than Sorry.
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